To make biobanks and biomolecular resources findable, BBMRI-ERIC operates a portfolio of tools: BBMRI-ERIC Directory and the Federated Platform (Locator and Finder).
These tools allow researchers to discover biobanks and biomolecular resources based on their metadata, including aggregate information about donors, available data and samples, or building virtual cohorts and checking availability using privacy-preserving querying of pseudonymised data at source institutions. Data and biological material can be requested through the BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator platform.
“I want to browse all biobanks in BBMRI.”
The Directory is a broad catalogue of our biobanks with aggregated information on their collections.
You can browse and filter by country, sample type, quality marks and more.
“I want a simple tool to look for tissue and liquid samples.”
“I am interested in samples and additional genomics and population data.”
The Federated Platform allows privacy preserving querying of non-aggregated information on individual samples and data in our biobanks.
Finder and Locator are complementary tools providing access to different biobanks.
Explore the handbooks to get the most out of these resources. There’s one for Finder and another for Locator.
Negotiation and access support in BBMRI-ERIC: Requests issued by researchers are becoming increasingly complex and biobanks and biomolecular resources also need to verify availability of the data and biological material for a particular purpose defined by the researcher.
BBMRI-ERIC provides its Negotiator platform to support researchers and biobankers in this complex communication, allowing effective streamlining and monitoring throughout the process.