Graz (Austria), July 2016 – The Graz based research facility CBmed has been appointed the first European “BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centre/Trusted Partner” (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium). The aim is to reach quicker results in the biomarker analysis and to improve treatments. With the identification of biomarkers it will be possible to individually treat cancer, metabolic diseases, and inflammations of the single patient.
Pan-European linked research infrastructure
To be able to efficiently search for biological samples for biomarker research a certain infrastructure is necessary. This infrastructure is being provided by the research infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC, which was founded in 2013 and is today’s largest scientific health infrastructure in Europe. Currently BBMRI-ERIC has 19 member states. The European cooperation allows the partners to access biological resources and biomedical installations in order to support efficient and excellent biomolecular and medical research. The “Center For Biomarker Research In Medicine” in Graz, Austria (CBmed GmbH) is linking the scientific expertise of the medical universities of Graz and Vienna to innovative technologies of leading international companies in the fields of pharmacy, diagnostics, and medical technology and therefore helps to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, metabolic diseases, and inflammations in the future. The award as “BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centre/Trusted Partner” proves for future partners that the analysis of samples happens under strict quality control at the labs of CBmed.
Understanding and resolving of subtypes of diseases
The term stratification describes the characterisation of a disease, for example breast cancer, into different subtypes, each of which needs a different treatment. The more detailed the subtype can be characterised, the more targeted a therapy can be developed. There are hundreds of biobanks worldwide that provide their data to partners in research and medicine to identify these types and to recognise statistic patterns. The Medical University of Graz has 30 years of experience for collecting biological samples for research purposes under strict quality control for 30 years. With the support of the National Node, lead by Prof. Dr. Kurt Zatloukal, CBmed was introduced to BBMRI-ERIC with the aim to develop a methodical platform for biomolecular research collaboration within European biobanks.
BBMRI-ERIC: Expert Centre/Trusted Partner
BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centres represent a novel public-private partnership model1. They are responsible for the analysis of samples in the country of origin under internationally standardized conditions and for the generation of primary data. BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centres integrate pre-competitive public and private research and development activities by providing access not only to biological samples and medical data but also to the broad spectrum of medical and scientific expertise related to the samples, data, and their analysis.
1Van Ommen G-JB, et al., BBMRI-ERIC as a resource for pharmaceutical and life science industries: the development of biobank-based Expert Centres. Eur J Hum Genet-. 2015;23(7):893–900.
CBmed: a “BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centre/Trusted Partner” for biomarker research
By handing over the certificate to the CBmed first European BBMRI ERIC Expert Center by Prof. Dr. Jan-Eric Litton, Director General BBMRI-ERIC, it’s official. The appointment as Europe’s first “BBMRI-ERIC Expert Center/Trusted Partner” represents a clear commitment to introducing quality standards in the analysis of human samples. “Through the introduction of quality criteria and the standardization of procedures, the data obtained are made internationally comparable – which means an acceleration of research and thus better treatments” emphasized Litton.
Litton: BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centres are linked to the Mission of BBMRI-ERIC and I welcome CBmed to this large European Infrastructure as a trusted partner.
Pieber: “It is a great honor and distinction for the CBmed to be the first European ‘BBMRI-ERIC Expert Center/Trusted Partner’ appointed. We accept this award and the related tasks alike and look forward to the research work in this valuable infrastructure!”
Official ceremony, Vienna 8 July 2016
From left to right:
Dr. Franz Wurm, MedUni Wien/Supervisory Board CBmed
Prof. Jan-Eric Litton, PhD, Director General BBMRI-ERIC
Ing. Robert Fasching, CFO, CBmed
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Pieber, CSO, CBmed
Contact Press CBmed:
DI (FH) Christian Santner
manggei communications
Tobis 3, 8504 Preding, Austria
Tel.: +43 664 88518030
Contact “BBMRI-ERIC Expert Centre/Trusted Partner”:
Mag. Andrea Wutte
Neue Stiftingtalstrasse 2/B/6
8010 Graz
Tel: +43 664 88 72 18 76
Editor’s Note
On 3 December 2013, BBMRI was officially awarded the Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). This specific legal form is designed to facilitate the joint establishment and operation of research infrastructures of European interest. The ERIC status allows pulling together biobanks and biomolecular resources into a pan-European facility and providing access to collections of partner biobanks and biomolecular resources, their expertise and services on a non-economic basis.
BBMRI-ERIC shall establish, operate and develop a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of biobanks and biomolecular resources in order to facilitate the access to resources as well as facilities and to support high quality biomolecular and medical research. BBMRI-ERIC operates on a non-economic basis.
BBMRI-ERIC is set up as a distributed research infrastructure in most, if not all European Member States. BBMRI-ERIC consists of 18 Member States and one International Organisation, making it one of the largest research infrastructures in Europe.
Members: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
Observer Countries: Cyprus, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey, IARC/WHO